Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Freebies > RM200 PKB Rebate FREE Smartphones Giveaway by DiGi

Phone features:
Alcatel One Touch Glory 2S

2.0MP camera with VGA-quality recording
3.5 inch HGVA touchscreen display
1GHz Cortex-A9 CPU
This device comes with FREE 2GB Memory Card.
Android v2.3 Gingerbread smartphone
Comes with 12 months warranty period from the date of purchase

Redemption details: Redeem a FREE Smartphone from DiGi. Get this device free with the subscription to DG Prepaid Smart Plan™ (SKMM Edition) at only RM50!

Redemption period: 15th March 2013 onwards and while stocks last. Based on first come, first served basis.

Redemption outlets: Selected participating DiGi stores. For full list, please go to the website link below.


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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Promotions > Topshop/Topman Buy 1 FREE 1

Promotion details: Buy 1 and get 1 Free at Topshop/Topman, Queensbay Mall Renovation Sale*. Receive RM50 voucher with purchase of RM200 and above.**

Promotion period: Till 14th April 2013

Promotion outlet:
Topshop/Topman, Queensbay Mall

Terms and conditions: *Selected items only. Offer valid until 14 April 2013. T&C apply.
**Voucher is valid on re-opening.

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Freebies > FREE GSC Movie Coupons Giveaway (PRINT COUPON)

Click photo for enlarged view.

Redemption details: Like and Share this post now! Present this coupon to redeem free tickets at GSC CityOne Megamall.

*Free Screening Coupon are placed in GSC Website, GSC I-phone App, GSC Android App, Borneo Post & See Hua (5, 6 & 7 Apr), Utusan Borneo (6, 7 & 9 Apr) and Sin Chew (6 & 7 Apr).

Movie titles available are as shown as in the screening coupon above. For screening schedule, check on from time to time. (Not yet updated on the website yet)

Redemption period: 6th - 10th April 2013 (10am onwards)

Redemption outlet: GSC CityOne Megamall Kuching

Terms and conditions:
One coupon can be exchanged for 2 tickets, maximum 4 tickets per person on a first-come, first-served basis.
Movie tickets can only be redeemed on the same day of screening.
Management reserves the right to substitute the movie titles without prior notice.
Redemption is valid while stocks last.


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Monday, 1 April 2013

Freebies > Morinaga Chil-mil FREE 100 tins 400g Giveaway (FREE DELIVERY)


Merchant information:
Morinaga Chil-mil, a growing-up formula for babies 1 year and above is formulated with improved protein content which meets the protein requirement during weaning period for optimal growth and development of young children. The new Morinaga Chil-mil also contains 2.1mg of Nucleotides per 100ml of standard solution; essential for vigorous growth during weaning period when the metabolism rate in a child’s body is accelerated. Nucleotides also promote gut growth and maturity, enhancement of immune function and modification of intestinal microflora.

The Growing-up Formula is produced using unique granulation technology, the formula is readily dissolve and can be prepared quickly without loss of flavour or nutrients.

Morinaga chil-mil comes in 2 pack size of 400g and 900g and available in Giant and Cold Storage store, Jaya Jusco and other leading supermarkets and chinese medical halls.

Redemption details:
100 tins of 400g Morinaga Chil-Mil to be given away. Share and Like this post AND Send the following information to (Exclusive for I Love Freebies Malaysia Fans only)

IC No:
Contact No:
Delivery Address:
Baby's Name:
Comment: I know about Morinaga from I Love Freebies Malaysia ( 

Redemption period: While stocks last

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