Want a Free Magic Hair Pad?
Product Information:
Magic Hair Pad
Fringe Holder that is able to hold your hair without leaving any kinks in your hair and no more crimping!
Redemption method:
1. Simply ask 5 of your girlfriends to LIKE the Facebook Page
2. Email us at info@magichairpad.com the names of the 5 friends you referred
3. A promo code to redeem your FREE Magic Hair Pad with shipping included will be sent to u.
4. Share this post now! :)
5. Redeem your free hair pads at their website after u received the code via email. Follow the instructions in the email. http://www.magichairpad.com/index.php?cPath=22
Redemption Period: Not stated
Website: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=286850607993638&set=a.286850604660305.80638.256497264362306&type=1&theater